Sunday, April 29, 2007

14th Annual 'Ukulele Festival of Northern California

Today, my dad, my step-mom, and a family friend went to Hayward to attend the 14th Annual 'Ukulele Festival of Northern California. My stepmom played the 'ukulele with her class. I enjoyed that performance and all of the other performances. After the festival was over, we picked up my husband and went to Grand Indian Buffet for some delicious Indian food.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

a busy Saturday

Well, most of my Saturdays are busy. This Saturday was busier than usual.

Three of my co-workers picked me up this morning. We drove to Discovery Meadow in front of the Children's Discovery Museum. Several co-workers, colleagues, volunteers, vendors, entertainers, activity booths and special attractions were at the San Jose Children's Faire. I had a variety of duties throughout the day. These events are fun yet tiring. Although I wore sunscreen and a hat, I became a bit pink. I'm not used to being outdoors all day; however, it was a fun change of pace.

When I came home, I took a shower, a quick nap. After a bit, my husband and I went to Fry's then to dinner. After that, I went to Target to pick up some cat food and some other needed items.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Sometimes I worry too much about the future.

Sometimes I dwell too much upon the past.

I need to focus on TODAY.

Every day is a new day.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Web 2.0 Expo

Check this out:

Web 2.0 Expo

Dude! If I had known about this, I would have arranged to go.
Too late this year. Perhaps next year.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

hip hop

Tonight I started my first hip hop class. I wasn't able to dance last week on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday because I was recovering from a minor injury that had nothing to do with dancing, and a lot to do with my occasional clumsiness when I am in too much of a hurry.

Tonight's class was fun, and I"m looking forward to future classes.

The Thursday hip hop class that I was planning to take won't start until May. The Friday Afro-Brazilian class might not start until June.

This is my current dance class schedule:

Monday: Hula and Jazz

Tuesday: Afro-Brazilian dance

Wednesday: Hip Hop

Thursday: Tap

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Swing set

One morning, I arrived early to the medical office where I had an appointment. I decided to take a walk in a nearby park. I enjoyed the cool fresh air.

I spotted an empty swing set, so I decided to swing for a while, something I haven't done for many years. While I was swinging, I laughed, giggled, and felt, for a few moments, like a carefree eight year old, fearless and free.

When I was in elementary school, I loved to swing on the swing sets in the park and on the swing set in our backyard. I often dreamed of being able to swing all the way around, making a perfect circle, then returning to my original spot. My current limited knowledge of physics and gravity tells me that this is impossible without some painful bodily injury. Back then, I didn't know that, so I tried and tried. I was sometimes able to swing in a near half-circle, I was almost parallel to the ground. I was fearless.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Today, I attended an interesting meeting with the full time youth services librarians and the full time adult services librarians. After the break, we were "sorted" into six groups in order to discuss program planning. This was a very useful meeting.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

new dance class schedule

This week I start a new dance class schedule:

Monday: Hula and Jazz

Tuesday: Afro-Brazilian dance

Wednesday: Hip Hop

Thursday: Tap and Hip Hop

Friday: Afro-Brazilian dance

Today's classes were fun, and they were great exercise! I will be dancing for eight hours a week! I hope I survive it!

Monday, April 2, 2007

#23 (Week 9). Summarize your thoughts about this program on your blog.

I give up. I'm not going to finish this after all.


I completed some exercises at work and many of the exercises at home.

I enjoyed many things about this learning experience, including: exploring Wikis, watching weird and intersting videos on YouTube, searching for interesting images on flickr, and blogging in general.

I earned my B.A. in 1991 and my M.L.I.S. in 1994, long before online classes were common. I used to think that I wouldn't have the discipline to take an online class; however, now I think I might be able to do so. I now have the self-confidence to earn a second master's degree, when the time is right.

I've been writing a lot more than usual. In addition to this blog, I started another blog, and I have also been writing many things that will probably never wind up online. Sometimes I wake up at three, four or five in the morning, and write. Hopefully, all this writing will help my writing style improve. I need that!

I can't think of any changes I would make to this online learning experience. I would, indeed do something like this again.

#22 (Week 9). Explore Ebooks and Audio Ebooks

I'm amazed by how many ebooks that our library system owns. Some are only available to SJSU Students & Faculty; however, many are available to the general public. There are some duplicates of ebooks, one copy available to SJSU Students & Faculty and the other copy available to the general public.

World eBook Fair seems pretty useful. I didn't sign up; however, there are many books available.