Friday, November 28, 2008

National heritage day honors American Indians

National heritage day honors American Indians

The U.S. federal legislation has recognized the Friday after Thanksgiving in 2008 to called Native American Heritage Day, in honor of American Indians' contributions throughout United States history. After Thanksgiving weekend, Frank Suniga and others will lobby to make Native American Heritage Day an annual observance.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Story Time Books for Children Living at Homeless Shelters

Story Time Books for Children Living at Homeless Shelters

(These are books that my colleague and I have used (or might use in the future)

Books for All Children

Books available in English

Raschka, Christopher. Yo! Yes?

Books available in both Spanish and English

Barrett, Judi. Los animales no deben actuar como la gente

Barrett, Judi. Animals should definitely not act like people

Browne, Anthony. Me gustan los libros

Browne, Anthony. I Like Books (Link +)

Carle, Eric. 10 little rubber ducks

Carle, Eric. 10 patitos de goma

Carle, Eric. Very busy spider

Carle, Eric. La araña muy ocupada

Carle, Eric. Very hungry caterpillar

Carle, Eric. La oruga muy hambrienta

Kasza, Keiko. Cuando el elefante camina

Kasza, Keiko. When the elephant walks

Martin, Bill. Oso pardo, oso pardo, qué ves ahí?

Martin, Bill. Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

Martin, Bill. Oso polar, oso polar, qué es ese ruido?

Martin, Bill. Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you hear?

Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Pinta ratones

Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Mouse Paint

Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Salta y brinca

Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Hop Jump

Bi-lingual Spanish-English Books

Bruzzone, Catherine. Puppy Finds a Friend = Cachorrito encuentra un amigo.

Luján, Jorge. Rooster Gallo

Morton, Lone. I'm too big = Soy demasiado grande

Risk, Mary. I want my banana! = Quiero mi plátano!

Books for Children in contact with their mothers

Books available in both Spanish and English

Simmons, Jane. Ven aquí, Daisy!

Simmons, Jane. Come along, Daisy!

Bi-lingual Spanish-English Books

Reiser, Lynn. Margaret and Margarita, Margarita y Margaret

Books for Children in contact with either parent or other older relatives

Books available in both Spanish and English

Cabrera, Jane. Panda Grande y Panda Pequeño

Cabrera, Jane. Panda Big and Panda Small (Link +)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

One reason I'm annoyed with American News Shows

I spent a half an hour perusing the web with a news show on in the background. There was a lot of good Olympics coverage, as well as a few other stories. Nothing about the conflict between Georgia and Russia. What's with that?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ecological Footprint Quiz

I was quite surprised at my husband's and my household results! We recycle all sorts of things, including paper, plastic, glass and metal. Our city's garbage and recycling system is quite efficient and convenient. Our best category is Mobility and our worst category is Shelter. I guess our energy inefficient neo-victorian house is just too big for two adults and our "tribe" of eight spayed and neutered cats. All of our light bulbs are the new energy efficient kind, however, there are many more things we can do to improve our living quarters and other aspects of our lives.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

My New Dance Schedule

Monday: Hula
Tuesday: Belly Dance
Wednesday: Belly Dance
Thursday: Two Hip Hop classes and one Middle Eastern Dance class

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Originally uploaded by Lorenzo Grossini

I like this picture. The illustrator drew images of Lucy, Linus and Charlie Brown as "manga style" teenagers.

More pictures can be found here:

Neighborhood cats that my husband and I have given nicknames to

Panther (black cat)

Orca Kitty (black and white cat)

Panda Kitty (another black and white cat)

We don't see these cats very often. The might belong to someone; however, they occasionally come to our house to explore or eat leftover cat food.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our Kitties

(Yes, they are all spayed or neutered)

Kitties that let us pet them


Feral Kitties that are spayed or neutered, but don't have "regular names" yet

Fluffy White
Skinny Tail Tabby
Solid Grey

Monday, March 3, 2008

TV shows that I sometimes watch with Mike, my husband

Dr. Who

Family Guy

Fight Quest


Ninja Warrior (Sasuke)

The Simpsons


Unbeatable Banzuke

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Informal dance concert, "Dance Odyssey" 2/17/08

Ariel Dance Productions presents an informal dance concert, "Dance Odyssey," on Sunday, February 17, 2008 at 5 pm and 7:30 pm. Shows will be held in the SCU Recital Hall, corner of Franklin and LaFayette Streets. Guest performers include Dance Effects, Elemental Remix, Soul Conspiracy and BGC Cool Kids. Works range from jazz, modern, lyrical, hip hop, Afro-Brazilian, belly dance to musical theatre.

Tickets $12 pre-paid and $15 at door. To purchase tickets, go here: You can also buy tickets by visiting the studio during their business hours. For more information, please call 408-621-2790.

Friday, January 18, 2008

my favorite new tv show on Discovery Channel

My husband and I have been enjoying the new show Fight Quest on the Discovery Channel. On last weeks episodes, the two hosts traveled to Japan and the Philippines to study martial arts with experts. In this week's episode, the two hosts are in Mexico City, studying boxing. I enjoy learning about the different styles of fighting.