Monday, December 3, 2007
my right ear
Anyway, my doctor told me to take either Sudafed or Chlor-Trimeton and that should take care of my right ear. Meanwhile, I'll just have to depend upon my left hear in order to hear people.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Monday: Hula
Tuesday: Belly Dance (new!)
Wednesday: Hip Hop
Thursday: two Hip Hop classes
I think this will be fun! I plan on doing this for a while.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Hula in Pleasanton
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
3.7 aftershock shakes South Bay
Some pictures that one of my coworkers took
Friday, October 5, 2007
Read this if you care about children and teens
If you wish to contact your senators, please visit this link:
If you wish to contact your representative, please visit this link:
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I need enough sleep, the nutritious food in appropriate portions, plenty of exercise,
and time to relax. It sounds easy; however, it is sometimes a challenge.
My schedule is very busy; however, it is sometimes a challenge to let things go.
I'm going to try this: I will not use the computer past 11:00 pm. I believe that this will improve my sleep habits.
Monday, August 27, 2007
I especially like the second letter and response. I now know that other people give bottled water to homeless people.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Announcement of the Aloha Races & Polynesian Festival
My hula school, Hula Halau 'O Pi'ilani, will be performing from 4:00 - 5:00 at this event on the stage at the Santa Cruz Wharf.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
my rant of the day
Mo. man burns books as act of protest
A used bookstore owner burns several books "in protest of what he sees as society's diminishing support for the printed word."Personally, I see this as rather selfish. There are dozens of public libraries in New Orleans and other hurricane damaged areas that are desperate for books to replace the thousands of books that were destroyed. Perhaps some of those books are unwanted by the libraries; however, some might be needed.
Other places that can use books include homeless shelters, shelters for battered women, hospitals, senior centers, shelters for runaway teens, nursing homes and other residential care homes.
My Dad and Step-mom drop off their used magazines at Kaiser Permanente waiting rooms so that folks may have interesting things to read while waiting. Some Kaiser Permanente employees do the same thing. I'm considering doing this also, if I can get myself to part with some of my magazines.
I have two boxes of books in excellent condition that I simply don't need any more. I plan on taking them to three or four used bookstores to see if I can get a bit of cash for them. Whatever I can't sell, I'll donate somewhere. I'd never burn them.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
You know you're an urbanite when...
there are multiple ways of getting from point a to point b.
your workplace has more employees than some small villages.
on voting day, if you accidentally go to the wrong polling place, it's no big deal, because the correct polling place is only one block away.
there are more cats than people in your neighborhood.
you and some of your neighbors capture feral cats, get them spayed or neutered, then release them to live out their natural lives without producing new cats.
you go out to dinner, you spend more time deciding where to eat than actually going out to eat.
you don't need an alarm clock: you are awakened every morning by the whistles of the school crossing guards and/or construction equipment.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
an afternoon of hula and an evening of jazz
After the performance, the three of us wandered around the vendor area for a bit, then we went out to dinner. After we said our goodbyes, I drove home.
After resting for a bit, I went to church to see a jazz concert at my church. I'm not very familiar with jazz; however, I certainly enjoyed the concert. The young musicians are very talented.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC. (Mac PC Parody)
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC. (Mac PC Parody) #2
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC. (Mac PC Parody) #3 (warning - plot spoilers)
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC. (Mac PC Parody) #4
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Hula rehearsal and Cinco de Mayo
Sunday, April 29, 2007
14th Annual 'Ukulele Festival of Northern California
Saturday, April 28, 2007
a busy Saturday
Three of my co-workers picked me up this morning. We drove to Discovery Meadow in front of the Children's Discovery Museum. Several co-workers, colleagues, volunteers, vendors, entertainers, activity booths and special attractions were at the San Jose Children's Faire. I had a variety of duties throughout the day. These events are fun yet tiring. Although I wore sunscreen and a hat, I became a bit pink. I'm not used to being outdoors all day; however, it was a fun change of pace.
When I came home, I took a shower, a quick nap. After a bit, my husband and I went to Fry's then to dinner. After that, I went to Target to pick up some cat food and some other needed items.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Web 2.0 Expo
Web 2.0 Expo
Dude! If I had known about this, I would have arranged to go.
Too late this year. Perhaps next year.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
hip hop
Tonight I started my first hip hop class. I wasn't able to dance last week on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday because I was recovering from a minor injury that had nothing to do with dancing, and a lot to do with my occasional clumsiness when I am in too much of a hurry.
Tonight's class was fun, and I"m looking forward to future classes.
The Thursday hip hop class that I was planning to take won't start until May. The Friday Afro-Brazilian class might not start until June.
This is my current dance class schedule:
Monday: Hula and Jazz
Tuesday: Afro-Brazilian dance
Wednesday: Hip Hop
Thursday: Tap
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Swing set
One morning, I arrived early to the medical office where I had an appointment. I decided to take a walk in a nearby park. I enjoyed the cool fresh air.
I spotted an empty swing set, so I decided to swing for a while, something I haven't done for many years. While I was swinging, I laughed, giggled, and felt, for a few moments, like a carefree eight year old, fearless and free.
When I was in elementary school, I loved to swing on the swing sets in the park and on the swing set in our backyard. I often dreamed of being able to swing all the way around, making a perfect circle, then returning to my original spot. My current limited knowledge of physics and gravity tells me that this is impossible without some painful bodily injury. Back then, I didn't know that, so I tried and tried. I was sometimes able to swing in a near half-circle, I was almost parallel to the ground. I was fearless.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
new dance class schedule
This week I start a new dance class schedule:
Monday: Hula and Jazz
Tuesday: Afro-Brazilian dance
Wednesday: Hip Hop
Thursday: Tap and Hip Hop
Friday: Afro-Brazilian dance
Today's classes were fun, and they were great exercise! I will be dancing for eight hours a week! I hope I survive it!
Monday, April 2, 2007
#23 (Week 9). Summarize your thoughts about this program on your blog.
I completed some exercises at work and many of the exercises at home.
I enjoyed many things about this learning experience, including: exploring Wikis, watching weird and intersting videos on YouTube, searching for interesting images on flickr, and blogging in general.
I earned my B.A. in 1991 and my M.L.I.S. in 1994, long before online classes were common. I used to think that I wouldn't have the discipline to take an online class; however, now I think I might be able to do so. I now have the self-confidence to earn a second master's degree, when the time is right.
I've been writing a lot more than usual. In addition to this blog, I started another blog, and I have also been writing many things that will probably never wind up online. Sometimes I wake up at three, four or five in the morning, and write. Hopefully, all this writing will help my writing style improve. I need that!
I can't think of any changes I would make to this online learning experience. I would, indeed do something like this again.
#22 (Week 9). Explore Ebooks and Audio Ebooks
World eBook Fair seems pretty useful. I didn't sign up; however, there are many books available.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
#21 (Week 9). Podcasts (You don’t need an iPod!)
Yahoo Podcasts collects a great variety of podcasts. I typed library in the search box, and 191 items were retrieved. I decided to subscribe to Collected Comics Library. I was able to save it to iTunes. How convenient! I also subscribed to the Book Voyages podcast and the Sunnyvale Public Library podcast. Yahoo Podcasts is as easy to use as iTunes, and I can save anything to iTunes. I can search by Series, Series and Episodes, or Episodes. I added the RSS feed for Collected Comics Library in my bloglines account and placed it on the left side of this blog.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Finding Empowerment on YouTube
Thursday, March 29, 2007
#20 (Week 9). Discover YouTube and a few sites that allow users to upload and share videos.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
#19 (Week 8). Take a Look at LibraryThing
#18 (Week 8). Take a look at some online productivity (word processing, spreadsheet) tools.
Sometimes, I get weird [JavaScript Application] grey boxes. I was using Zoho Writer with Netscape. I wonder if it will work better with Firefox or Internet Explorer.
The document created by Helene Blowers and edited by Jean has useful information.
Zoho Writer is pretty useful. If I don't have my flash drive with me, I can write something in Zoho Writer instead of emailing myself.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
#17 (Week 7). Add an entry to the SJLibrary Learning 2.0 SandBox wiki.
#16 (Week 7). Learn about wikis and discover some innovative ways that libraries are using them.
Wikis are interesting. The English version of Wikipedia was my first wiki experience. I started two Wikipedia pages that have continued to grow and evolve without me. These pages are List of superhero debuts and List of supervillain debuts. I started these pages in order to help me prepare for a speech about superheroes that I presented at a branch library during the summer of 2005. I contributed some content to these pages while several other people contributed much more content than I had time and energy to contribute. I really appreciate the collaboration that Wikipedia encourages.
I have also contributed to other Wikipedia articles in English, French and Spanish. I haven’t yet contributed to any Wikipedia articles in German, although my written German is about the same as my written French. I also have three Wikipedia user pages in three languages. They are:
User Page at English Wikipedia
User Page at Spanish Wikipedia
User Page at French Wikipedia
I haven’t made a German page yet; however, I suppose I should.
I’ve dabbled in other languages; however, I don’t know enough of those to contribute to any Wikipedia articles.
Wikipages is pretty interesting. Currently it only covers New York City; however, it may eventually spread to other U.S. cities.
Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki is very useful and has a lot of potential.
The ALA 2006 New Orleans Wiki Main Page looks like it was very useful for the folks that attended ALA 2006 Conference in New Orleans. A wiki like this can be useful for just about any medium to large conference.
The sjplyouthservices wiki is very useful. I haven’t added anything yet; however, I probably will one of these days.
#15 (Week 6). Read a few Perspectives on Web 2.0. Future of Libraries
The articles and essays are interesting. I’ve considered setting up some sort of an informal opportunity to teach teens how to use some of the web sites that I learned how to use Learning 2.0. Perhaps my co-workers can help me teach the teens (hint hint!)
This last paragraph from Away from the “icebergs” is quite powerful.
“No profession can survive if it throws its core principles and values overboard in response to every shift in the zeitgeist. However, it can be equally disastrous when a profession fails to acknowledge and adapt to radical, fundamental change in the marketplace it serves. At this point in time, our profession is far closer to the latter type of disaster than it is to the former. We need to shift direction, and we can’t wait for the big ship of our profession to change course first. It’s going to have to happen one library—one little boat—at a time.”
Into a new world of librarianship also lists many excellent points. I especially like the last paragraph:
“Librarian 2.0 also listens to staff and users when planning, tells the stories of successes and failures, learns from both, celebrates those successes, allows staff time to play and learn, and never stops dreaming about the best library services.”
This is a good goal for me to strive for.
The Wikipedia Library 2.0 article is also informative, and includes this handy Library 2.0 meme map.
There are many different types of communities, including families, friends, schools, faith communities, clubs, and of course, libraries. Physical libraries are great places for people to learn new things and explore new ideas. Library 2.0 is an expansion of this, and is available 24 hours a day, where ever computers and internet connections are found. We librarians are not becoming obsolete; rather, we are continuing to change and evolve.
#14 (Week 6). Explore Technorati and learn how tags work with blog posts.
I typed "Learning 2.0" in the search box and searched in blog posts. Each time I searched, the numbers changed somewhat. There were 30,793 (or 29,499) results when I searched without quotation marks and 51 (or 2,631) results when I searched with quotation marks. The third entry of the fifty one was from the Minerva Shelved blog written by Minerva8843, my mysterious co-worker whom I finally met in person today. Four other blogs link to her blog.
I typed "Learning 2.0" in the search box and searched in blog directories. There were 75 results when I searched without quotation marks and no results when I searched with quotation marks.
I’ve added tags to most of my blog posts. Sometimes I change the tags.
I typed "Learning 2.0" in the search box and searched in tags. There were 283 results when I searched without quotation marks and 247 results when I searched with quotation marks. A blog entry from another mysterious co-worker, Ain't ain't a word was number one out of the 247 results. Our Library system rocks!
I also added two blogs to my Technorati favorites. I’ll add some more later.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
#13 (Week 6). Learn about tagging and discover (a social bookmaking site)
I also added my delicious tags near the bottom of this blog. I changed the size of the font so that the tags don't take up too much room.
I made it past the halfway point. I believe that I can finish on or before March 30. Yay!
#12 (Week 5). Roll your own search tool with Rollyo.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
#11 (Week 5). Explore any site from the Web 2.0 awards list, play with it and write a blog post about your findings.
I tried a new search. I typed "Marilyn Monroe," and a new map appeared. I clicked on "Bette Middler" and the map changed again. This is pretty fun!
Friday, March 16, 2007
#10 (Week 5). Play around with an online image generator.
This is the book that I need to read in order to understand what my dear husband is talking about.
#9 (Week 4). Locate a few useful library related blogs and/or news feeds.
I listened to the podcast and I added some more items to my bloglines feed, including some more graphic novel review sites and blogs. I also experimented with Technorati. Bloglines and Technorati are both useful. I submitted two of my blogspot blogs to Technorati and I added the Technorati icons to each of those blogs. I was unable to add my MySpace blog to Technorati. I’ll try again later. Sometimes I feel like a klutz when I am working with new and unfamiliar things; however, I’m catching on.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Employee Recognition
Today, several library employees received 20-year pins/charms and 10-year pins/charms. My supervisor gave a nice speech before presenting me with my 10-year charm. After all the supervisors gave their speeches, everyone ate burnt almond cake. Yum!
I would like to thank all of my supervisors, co-workers, and library customers, past and present. I have learned from all of them.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
#8 (Week 4). Learn about RSS feeds and set up a Bloglines account.
Bloglines is quite useful. I am able to gather news and information sources that interest me and put them together in one place so I can view them at my leisure. This can save me a lot of time.
Central selectors can subscribe to review sites and other literature or media related sites in order to gather information quickly.
Here is my feed
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
da big Rehearsal
For the next few weeks, I will miss my Monday evening hula class because I will have extra Afro-Brazilian rehearsals. I will miss my hula sisters; however, I'll see them again in April.
This will be my schedule for the next few weeks:
Monday: Afro-Brazilian dance and Jazz
Tuesday: Afro-Brazilian dance
Wednesday: Tap
Thursday: Tap
Friday: Afro-Brazilian dance
Saturday, February 24, 2007
An Evening of Hula
The music and dancing were excellent. All of the competition classes performed at least one dance. The kitchen staff and the servers (all from the halau) did a great job.
I'm falling behind on my lessons; however, I believe that I can catch up before March 30.
Friday, February 16, 2007
another great anime song
#7 (Week 3). Create a blog post about anything technology related
#7 (Week 3). Create a blog post about anything technology related
stepping on my soapbox for a bit
One thing I do on a somewhat regular basis is to help homeless people in small ways. I have some $1.00 McDonalds gift certificates, bottles of water and pamphlets published by the City of San Jose that list resources that help homeless people. When I see a homeless person at a gas station, convenience store, etc., I give these things to him/her. I used to do this out of self-righteousness; now I do this out of compassion. I still find it difficult to love everyone, however, my compassion for people has increased quite a bit in the last few months. I believe that compassion is close to love.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
what to do after I retire...
Your Career Personality: Empathetic, Loyal, and People-Oriented |
Your Ideal Careers: Chef Corporate trainer Designer Events Coordinator Librarian Politician Psychologist Small Business Owner Social Worker Teacher |
#5 (Week 3) Flickr
Monday, February 12, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
another cool thing from youtube
Calming Montage
Friday, February 9, 2007
a note to my friends and relatives
This is an optional and educational work assignment.
If you are interested in learning more, please visit:
The 23 Things
Have fun!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
I like these pictures
I found these pictures on flickr.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
This is very trippy and very cool
Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us
Parts of it remind me of the book Information Anxiety by Richard Saul Wurman that I read back when I was in graduate school.
#4 (Week 2). Register your blog on and begin your Learning 2.0 journey.
#3 (Week 2). Set up your own blog & add your first post.
#2 (Week 1). Discover a few pointers from lifelong learners and learn how to nurture your own learning process.
A touching article about Iraq’s National Library and Archive in Baghdad
After reading this touching article, I decided that dealing with dust, food crumbs and occasional graffiti isn't so bad after all.
Who am I?
My MySpace page
My Wikipedia User Page in English
My Wikipedia User Page in Spanish
My Wikipedia User Page in French
...possibly more than you may ever want to know about me...
Please note: the web pages listed on this entry were done on personal time at a computer a my house.
#1 (Week 1). Read this blog & find out about the program
This will be fun.