Saturday, March 31, 2007

#21 (Week 9). Podcasts (You don’t need an iPod!)

I have iTunes installed in my laptop and my desktop at home. I like the fact that I can purchase a song for 99 cents if I only want a particular song and not the entire cd. I've also subscribed to some podcasts on my laptop.

Yahoo Podcasts collects a great variety of podcasts. I typed library in the search box, and 191 items were retrieved. I decided to subscribe to Collected Comics Library. I was able to save it to iTunes. How convenient! I also subscribed to the Book Voyages podcast and the Sunnyvale Public Library podcast. Yahoo Podcasts is as easy to use as iTunes, and I can save anything to iTunes. I can search by Series, Series and Episodes, or Episodes. I added the RSS feed for Collected Comics Library in my bloglines account and placed it on the left side of this blog.

1 comment:

Chris CCL said...

Thanks for subscribing to the CCL! I hope you like it.